From Cross Stitcher - Britain's No.1 Issue 210 (March 2009)
Ok, so it's really a way tiny lil finishing to start the year, but come on... Lol. It IS a finishing, right? And a waaay late one, may I say!
This is the Mini Mystery RR I signed in last year. Kate, from Nebraska/USA (dunno if she has a blog or some other space online) is the owner of this piece, and according to her, its gonna be turned into a gift for her British cab driver fiancée! Isnt it just sweet?! =)
Well, it took me forever to find the perfect design for this RR... Geee... Eventually my dearest friend Vickie helped me out with it and for it Im gonna worship the ground she steps! Love you, V!!!
6 comentários:
Ficou 10.000 Janaina. Parabéns!
Looks wonderful Janny - very London, lol!
Aaaaaahhh! Obrigada, Mary! =)
Bj bem grande!
Thanks, Viv! =)
Hope Kate likes it too!
Já terminaste o primeiro projecto de 2010?!? E eu nem nas agulhas peguei ainda! lol! Não é falta de vontade, é mesma da constipação... deixa-nos numa moleza que não apetece fazer coisa nenhuma :p hehehehe Em breve volto ao activo e tenciono bordar bastante!!! :D
Qualquer dia combinamos um RR também ;) Para já quero avançar com algumas peças que quero terminar, mais para a frente combinamos :)
Great! Kate should be pleased with ur square on the mini-RR!
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