quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Last posting in 2009 and a question

Ok, lets start with the question...
Must be something quite simple, but I just cant figure it out: how can I check out my follower's blog?
Mmmm... I tried and tried and ended up following myself! Lol. Anyone out there, plz, teach me! Everytime I click on the follower icon, it gets me to nowhere. I wanted to see the blogs of everybody who think I'm interesting enough to follow...
Now, wishing you all the best for 2010! Thank you all, girls, who taught me so much. Thanks for the laughs and friendships. Hope I can be more active here then I was by 2009.
Sending big hugs to everybody! *Ü*

11 comentários:

Terry disse...

Happy New Year! Try clicking on the follower's picture and when their information pops up, click on their name next to their blog photo. That will take you to their Profile page and you can see what their blog is and click on it to go there.

Hope this works for you.

Nima disse...

Happy New Year Janaina...

Terry explained it welll..so i'm not repeating the safe....hope you will be able to find it

Janaina disse...

Thanks, Nima! *Ü*

But,... no. Terry is trying to help me sorting it out. So far she pointed me that some followers icons can be clicked and it leads me to their blogs, but the greatest number of them, dont do it. Sniff... what on Earth am I doing wrong?! =(

Karyn disse...

Happ New Year :) May you have blue skies and sunshine throughout the new year.

Hugs, new friend

stitchersanon disse...

Happy New Year and thank you for visiting my blog!
Always good to hear from others, especially fom people who live where there is sun lol.
I love the title of your blog. My title would probably be 'blogger in wellies and about four coats and jumpers'. brrrrrr..feel free to send some sun to snowy Ireland!

Janaina disse...

Karyn:thanks new friend! Hope to see you around a lot by 2010! *Ü*

Stitcheranon: I need to know your name! Lmao. Thanks for pass by here! I'm seriously starting my 2010 Xmas list, and its just cuz of you, girl!Will try best on following you and your challenge!
No worries: lots of sunny days on your way! =)

Big hug to all!

Chris disse...

Blog hopped from rainy Gaynor in Ireland.. try clicking on the full window icon beside the 'followers' title and it will give you all the people following your blog in large icons, click these and you can see who they are.
Hope this helps
Chris x

Nima disse...

Janiana...try it from your dashboard. click on the followers button next to your blog ...you can see the list of followers and you can see their profiles. some might be following privately so you cannot see their link...

♥ Nia disse...

Feliz 2010!!!! :D

Estás com problemas em seguir ou em ver as actualizações?!
Se quiseres explico-te isso em 1 minuto mas em português! Estou constipada demais para ler/escrever em inglês hahahahah Sério, diz-me melhor qual a tua dúvida e terei o maior prazer em ajudar. Posta lá no grupo ;)


Carolyn NC disse...

Happy New Year to you, Janaina! When you click on someone's picture (once you've gotten to the list of followers' pictures), look for links. Not everyone posts their blogsite there, but many do. Good luck!

Janaina disse...

Thanks you all, ladies for the help! =)
Love each one of you!