Yesterday the mail guy
It all started by October15, 2007. Not a very exciting piece at the 1st,right? I made the blue borders and write the ladies names/locations under their boxes.BUT! Ta daaa.... down here you can see the beautiful final piece:
Here you can have a better look at the piece.As I did in a previous RR I was in, I included 3 skeins of white floss in the pack, and asked to each ladie to pick one skein and include one flat 2 or 4 holes cute button to it.
Linda Hardy, from Ontario, was very generous and sent me ladybugs (which I ADORE!) and pearl moons.
Jen Baxter, sent me 4 hearts that are just lovely!Already have plans for them!
And Shannon Mcaulay sent me the national symbol of Canada: those leaves that I like so much!She had those Anchor skeins at her stash. She got them as a prize at her local needlework shop, but she really uses DMC. She was THAT gentle to send me them!:o)
She sent me ribbons (we name that "sianinha" here at my country. How do you name it?!)First time I see it in a combo of colors, AND with golden bites. Just lovely!Take also a look at the nice postcard she sent: she is from Louisiania.
Take a look at the pics!
Here you can see the finest piece of art crafty hands could ever made! I am stunned with the beauty and neatness!
11 comentários:
Wow, what a wonderful RR!!!!! Congrats on its return and on all the goodies :)
So, what RR is next? lol
What lovely little birdhouses - a really great RR.
And a great exchange package from Olga - who has been spoiled then?
Hi Janaina,
I am happy you like the pin keep. Come visit my blog again, I left some tea pot links for you there.
Hey Ruth!:o)Howdy?! Yeah... tell me about it! I am thrilled till now!Next RR? mmm... I plan to have a break from RR´s for awhile, you know? Recently I realise my Halloween RR, from a British forum, is just lost. :o(It wasnt even a cuter piece as this birdhouses is, but ... go figure!March was a great month for RR´s to come back home, as that one is the 2nd one to get me in just a few weeks.Have just one more out there, back in Australia, which soon is going to arrive here.Do you have any RR in mind?! LOL.
Oh Carol...I am so overjoyed with the pinkeep! No need to send me any further goodies, just the piece would have made my day!It´s amazing how neat it is!:o)
Going to check the links right now, Olga!:D
Hugs to you all!!!!!
Your RR is fantastic! I have that chart and have always just loved it. And you received a stunning pinkeep - so early too - so fast to Brasil!!
It is adorable!!! me encanto el RR!!!, me tienes ke pasar esos!
Thousands of kisses!!!
Holla cariño! Otros besotes para ti!:o)
Hola Janaina
A ver felicidadesss uyyy ese rr es hermosisimo...
y el pinkeep igual...
Sobre tu pregunta sobre las imagenes de mi blog
Si pinchas sobre cada imagen ella te llevara al diseñador original. algunas son compradas otras son regalos que algunas chicas dan semanalmente donde tu les envias tu nombre y tu direccion de blog y ellas los personalizan para ti.
por ejemplo el de ayer es de Couette quien ahora esta regalando las imagenes ve donde dice Signature... ellas lo unico que piden es que la imagen se coloque en un album y este direccionada a su web ademas de colocar el logo en tu blog de sus imagenes si vas abajo en mi blog donde dice graphics puedes ver los links de todos los sitios de donde he comprado o adoptado imagenes....
Existen unos sitios donde te ofrecen algo llamado tubes es como una suscripcion mensual por un momton de imagenes.. por ejemplo se que carla quien te escribe en tu blog tiene de una chica que tiene unos muy lindos, lamentablemente ahora yo no puedo darme el lujo de eso por los controles de mi pais.
Vickie: los te enviaré tan pronto sea possible!:o)
Nela: muchíssimas gracias, nena!:o)
What a fantastic RR!!!
I was just looking at Simones blog and from there I started browsing through some nice blogs and i came here.And what a lovely buttons you received too.
What a gorgious rr you received back!
that's something I would love to do one of these days.I will have to do some searching for a rr this weekend.
Take care,
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