Yesterday the mail guy
It all started by October15, 2007. Not a very exciting piece at the 1st,right? I made the blue borders and write the ladies names/locations under their boxes.BUT! Ta daaa.... down here you can see the beautiful final piece:
Here you can have a better look at the piece.As I did in a previous RR I was in, I included 3 skeins of white floss in the pack, and asked to each ladie to pick one skein and include one flat 2 or 4 holes cute button to it.
Linda Hardy, from Ontario, was very generous and sent me ladybugs (which I ADORE!) and pearl moons.
Jen Baxter, sent me 4 hearts that are just lovely!Already have plans for them!
And Shannon Mcaulay sent me the national symbol of Canada: those leaves that I like so much!She had those Anchor skeins at her stash. She got them as a prize at her local needlework shop, but she really uses DMC. She was THAT gentle to send me them!:o)
She sent me ribbons (we name that "sianinha" here at my country. How do you name it?!)First time I see it in a combo of colors, AND with golden bites. Just lovely!Take also a look at the nice postcard she sent: she is from Louisiania.
Take a look at the pics!
Here you can see the finest piece of art crafty hands could ever made! I am stunned with the beauty and neatness!