sexta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2010

See you in 2011

OMG! Last posting of the year!  Did this year pass fast or what? Anyways, wishing all you guys out there the very best for the upcoming year. For me, it's looking like it's going to be a terrifc one. Hopefully I'll have some great news to share! Yaaay! *Ü*

Now... one of my new year's resolution is to get back on track on my readings. Right now I'm close to finish "The Passage", by Justin Cronin, and l.o.v.i.n.g it!!! Totally recomend! Next on my list is "The Men Who Didn't Love Women", by Stieg Larsson.  I ask you: what's in your list? Wich book did you read this year that you completely loved? What are you reading right now?

4 comentários:

Sharon disse...

Happy New Year Janaina!

socialsue disse...

Aaaaawwwwww, isn't that a cute animal! Love it!!! Have a Happy New Year, Janaina!!!!!

I will be reading "Dewey's Nine Lives since I have read the first book, "Dewey". The book is about a cat that belongs to a library in a small town in Iowa, USA. Based on a true story.


Unknown disse...

Oi Janaína! Feliz 2011!!!! Eu amei a Trilogia Millenium, li os três livros quase de um fôlego só! O filme também é incrível! Mas acho que o mais impactante mesmo é o primeiro, o mais violento dos três! Estou com uma lista incrível de livros para 2011, espero poder ler mais quando defender minha dissertação em março... Bjs, bjs!! Um 2011 estupendo para nós!!!

♥ Nia disse...

Feliz Ano Novo!!! ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*