sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010


KKCQ - 2010
Barbara Ana's design (section) "Wanted" on White Aida 14 ct

This is the first square I have made for Mary's project: Krafter Korner Charity Quilts .
This quilt will be going to a young boy with cancer. The theme he picked up was frogs 'cuz him and his family believe F.R.O.G. stands for Fully Rely On God. Quite nice, uh? =)
I totally messed with the design: changed colors, removed sections of it... But it was fun to stitch.

6 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Really cute froggy!! You're doing a great job with your blog too. Please take a look at mine, when you get the chance.

Cindy B disse...

Your frog is very pretty.

Sharon disse...

That is so adorable! He will love it.

Carolyn NC disse...

It is so cute - great job!

Anônimo disse...

I just love it! Great job.

♥ Nia disse...

Adoro Barbara Ana! São design assim bem alegres, meio maluquitos e animados, não são? :) Tem uma graça muito caracteristica!

Lol! Depois de ler sobre as mudanças que fizeste, fiquei curiosa em saber como é o original! hahahah Seja como for, ficou impecável! :)