quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010


 And here, finally, my last finishing!!!!!! Yaaaaay! I was missing actually finishing something, and this was such an easy and quick to complete project! I stitched it in around 1 week, I'm proud to say. Hee hee... Those kitties are going to be used to cover the lid of a box for my sister, as a Xmas gift. She is crazy about cats!
This design is from a Korean company named "Shiny Room": SR-P58.


Edited note: So a few girls commented on the similarity between this design and a Margaret Sherry's one. It was a surprise for me, because I didn't know about the MS one. Now that I did my research I am impressed on how much they look like! OMG. Here you can see the design I used, and here you can see the MS one.
Thanks Simone, Ana, Sue, Isabella and Nia for pointing me out! =)

12 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Janaina, ficaram lindos! Lembram um pouco o design da MS, não acha? Quase me equivoquei... rsrsrs Parabéns, querida, fique orgulhosa mesmo!! Bjs!

Sue disse...

Very pretty!

Theresa disse...

Oh~~ This is soooo cute!!!!

jacq disse...

So Cute, Your Sister will love them.

Atelier Caseiro disse...

Jana, ficou muito fofo! Concordo com a Simone, parece mesmo MS. Beijinhos.

Carla disse...

Cute kitties!! Lovely finish :)

socialsue disse...

Very cute!!! I thought it was a Margaret Sherry's design at first!


Anônimo disse...

Quando eu olhei de primeira pensei que fossem Margareth Shelly...eheheh

Jana, tudo o que vc faz é lindo.

Você é uma linda!

Lisa V disse...

Very sweet!.

♥ Nia disse...

Janinha o bordado está um doce! =) Mas de caras parece plágio! hahahah Este motivo está chapadinho deste! LOL!!

Carolyn NC disse...

So cute!

Sharon disse...

Cute finish!