Last night I was browsing online and one blog leaded me to another and I ended up here: Konad Addict
I like to take good care of my nails, so I have the habit of having weekly mani and pedicure. It's not super expensive here in Brazil (when I got to know how much an average American girl pays just to have her nails done, my heart missed a beat!) Recently this nails polishes and nail arts blogs kinda boomed here in my country (or it was just me who eventually found them, lol) and I got curious. I bought a small kit and started doing my nails.
I thought I'd have some serious problems because of my lack of coordenation, specially when trying to work with my left hand, since I'm right handed, but for my own surprise I not only got better and better, I now really enjoy doing it myself.
If you are an enthusiast just like I am, and want to take the chance to win three lovely colors (your choice!!!) of this Aussie brand nail polish, run! Good luck for you and me!